Сolor trends Spring/Summer'23 were published weeks ago, so it's the best time to start wearing hot season shades. One of the main colors is all about blooming flowers garden. Like a light floral purple that blooms in early spring. That was the color of the look I have chosen for the Fendi street style, during Milan Fashion Week. Such strong monochrome tailoring was captured by photographers from all over the world.
Look | Just Must Bag | Prada Shoes | Sagiakos
Η Pantone έχει καταλήξει στα χρώματα της σεζόν και ήρθε η στιγμή να τα προσθέσουμε στην γκαρνταρόμπα μας. Εγώ έχω εφαρμόσει μια από τις πιο απαλές αποχρώσεις του λιλά στην Εβδομάδα Μόδας στο Μίλανο και διάλεξα να δημηουργίσω ένα ξεχωριστό μονόχρωμο σύνολο.
Jewelry | Ambyagapi Sunglasses | DSquared
Список самых актуальных цветов на год был давно опубликован. Самые актуальные весной - нежные оттенки розовго и лилового, похожие на мягкий цветущий сад. Строгий костюм в таком нежном цвете отлично контрастировал с улицами Милана, на Неделе Моды.
Vasiliki (find here)
Fendi's street style is highlight of fashion week because of its effortless elegance, which embraces modern trends while reflecting the brand's history. Moreover, considering the top MBA dissertation help UK to maintain good performance and have extra time to explore multiple of events.