Nine month pregnancy, it is like you will experience every new emotion and syndrome your body can produce! The best thing while expecting baby is... to enjoy the process. Your baby is growing inside you and it's a perfect time to follow new tendencies for the future mom's. You''ll ask what for? It's very important for you and for the baby to feel comfortable and happy during these weeks. So, let's grab some trendy ideas below...

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One of the greatest trends to follow this period is to visit some prenatal yoga classes! I was doing yoga from the third till eighth month when I was pregnant. Exercises are going to prevent various gestational related issues and enhance adequate blood circulation. More about benefits of exercising when pregnant READ HERE.
Expecting a new little one is a magical period you'll remember for the whole life! Capture this special moment via professional photoshoot. I did my preggy photosoot at the ninth month, as I was dreaming to have a stylish photo of my huge belly. You can do it any time you want. It can be a inside shooting or an outside. You can create a concept by yourself, grab some Pinterest ideas or even book a stylist. Even more, you can wear your favourite dress and capture "true life" moment at your place.

When it comes to beauty, preggy moms are trying to escape daily makeup routines! That's why a new trend came up: lashes extension to create a makeup look during the labour. I followed this trend and I'm happy I did it! As I was looking fresh, young and pretty after 4 hours labour. In case you did not like this tendencies, simply use an eyelash curler for the better look! Read here an eyelash curler review.
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